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S.E.A is a national seed business, with affiliates in all of the key farming districts around Australia. It has the vision, skills, infrastructure and commitment to provide leadership and direction to the breeding, acquisition, development and distribution of superior grain varieties to Australian farmers. 

S.E.A is strongly committed to maximising the uptake of new varieties, subject to quality, agronomic fit, and a demonstrated benefit to growers. We believe growers should benefit individually and in aggregate from the uptake of new varieties. We also believe that new varieties should demonstrate some desired trait or special quality advantage over existing varieties, and should make a fundamental contribution to improving the average quality profile of the national crop. Alternatively, new varieties should demonstrate some form of agronomic benefit relative to existing varieties, and should thereby contribute to improved gross margin returns for growers. 

S.E.A understands the importance of continued research and development, and facilitates this through our investment in a number of breeding programs. The products of such research have the potential to maximise sustainable production, accelerate the adoption of superior grain varieties and improve the overall quality of seed available to growers.